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Posts posted by Abracadabra

  1. The US senators pushing a controversial new bill that some fear would give President Barack Obama the powers to seize control of and even shut down the internet have rejected claims it would give Obama a net "kill switch".


    The bill, titled Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, has been unanimously approved by the US Homeland Security committee and will be put to a vote on the Senate floor shortly....




    wow, and you had to read about it on an australian news site. way to go, american media. fucking useless pricks

  2. Fifa would implode if England won.


    england will never win because they'll continue to sabotage themselves, but they're probably the biggest football market in the world so they're pretty much guaranteed a spot every world cup otherwise the competition would fail

  3. bottom line is fifa would prefer France in the world cup over Ireland.


    basically. unless you're germany, argentina, brazil, france, spain, italy or england there's really no point playing in the world cup, cos there's no way in hell fifa will let you win.

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