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Everything posted by emit_df

  1. Crazed goats bite fills..........
  2. those news posts are cool. Vizie has been doing funky styles for years and years.. put in a ton of work. I like his pieces.. letters are a bit stiff, but I'm picky old bastard. I still love to see his work. Omens as an example.. has some of the trends going on in his work, but those pieces are a few years old. he seems to always try different stuff and experiment with his work which is sick. It seems some of the internet looks to what he is doing... he also has good simple flow and style with his letters to go with the funky ways he is putting it all together.
  3. Honestly.. it's very easy to see those letters and they are booty. Entry level graff letters, I see it quite often on here. Yes that Amuse is nice to look at... the eye candy is there with the trends and effects. Obviously these guys got some nice paint and caps and learned how to do art on a wall, but style takes years and it is harder to look at graff on 12oz and duplicate or create your own original style. It takes work.. a ton of it. Lets see some of these guys use all rusto colors and do a sick piece... the focus would be on the style, not the trends/effects and they would fail. I posted this for a reason. To show real skills without the flash.
  4. That Black piece is sick..pure style.. no tricks, no trendy shit.
  5. This comes to mind...Serval Geneva... Silver and Black.. same idea.
  6. it looks like a ton of of colors, and every little "popular" detail... bricks, drips, smoke things.. etc.. all eye candy.. and booty ass letters. Bring back style! the taboo is fresh!
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