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Everything posted by emit_df

  1. the good ol' days......1991-95 // CT, NYC, and Denver
  2. Those old flicks are great.. I could post several "emit" pieces that almost match those exactly... lol.
  3. For us "DF, Imok" Emit, Jive, Gaze, Wink etc. 90-95 was a time to rack caps from crystal clear and carpet cleaner... paint was racked and good colors were mixed... aqua, purple, jungle, silver with a color. I went bombing in CT, NY...Westchester, Brooklyn, Bronx, and a couple trips to Wash. DC. and Boston. Never took a camera bombing or even went back to get flicks..... the internet has changed that. Kids will flick dumpster tags and post that shit now a days. Gotta make sure to get recognition for your hard work. Back then if it got buffed you had to just go paint more so people would see it. Never really had a mentor, but just seeing someone who knew what was up with painting (caps, cutting, technique) is really all the mentoring you need. I looked at Besm, and Noble for those infleuences.... and of course taking photos in NY. We brought a lot of the Bronx to CT, not on purpose, but NY was really far ahead of CT at that time so to follow that was just natural. The CT Newhaven area cats from back then had a strong NY influence as well... Brat, Cryze, Eros etc. Those were good days for sure. The Highways ran. We had a big ass legal wall to chill at and learn, and there was a millon places to paint.
  4. Those are actually just as good as any bubble letters I see done today. Gaze was always pretty good.
  5. emit and Sad. Son One -"Gaze"
  6. DF was actually started by Sub and Emit .. NY & CT writers.
  7. FYI there is an Aero in DF crew that has been writing for 17 years or so... probably 10 other writers with the name aero as well... Im sure this is all old news.
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