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uh and yes

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Everything posted by uh and yes

  1. early january im from texas and will be in manchester in early - mid january for some work. i have connects in boston, but was looking for someone to hang out with in manchester. send an email to TexasIsJustOK@hotmail.com if youre in the area. i will reply wiht lots of pictures to vouch. for myself
  2. uh and yes


    checking in... right now, i am riding alkaline's (yes, old school alkaline) 2000 bianchi pista. it's funny how getting into bikes has diverted my attention from girls. i used to walk around campus checking out racks... and, now i walk around campus checking out (bike)... RACKS! i'm looking to build up a geared bike soon.
  3. uh and yes


    alkaline- i understand your post, because i very vividly remember that conversation we had about your struggle as a midgit rider. you kept complaining about all the "B.S." that you faced in the sport. best of luck. call me, i am going home.
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