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Everything posted by WoriesOne

  1. ah!.. alright.. now i see that youre a funny guy. well then.. glad to see you didnt do that. keep on with the funny.
  2. wow.. it would havent been as bad if it doesnt really happen.. hopefully you were kidding.. not for lookin cools sake but for the fact that it happens to children.. alot if you did.. it dont matter to me.. but i will tell you.. someone close to you will get it in return for it.. hopefully you dont have a sister.. or your mother isnt in the wrong place and helpless.. helpless..
  3. WoriesOne


    dope graff.. bad name :D
  4. but its an urban wasteland and is polluted as fuck, plus its mad expensive to live anywhere near downtown. really?.. so youre saying a graffiti writer wont like it there?.. son?.. ahhahahaha
  5. nope just a website!! if you want some sewing equiptment, ive got some needles if you want! Quoted post [/b] oh.. youre so slick! ...ooooh youre lil play on words..
  6. hes right you dumb broad...
  7. hahah.. who knew Totem had handstyles.. :huh2: :laugh1:
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