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  1. http://sex4thesoul.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/g40-the-summit-starts-tomorrow/ good chance Chocolate City Burning is gonna screen at G40.
  2. http://sex4thesoul.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/blackwater-jeopardy/ i got 1800, who's trying to battle?
  3. BUY THAT SHIT so like, you and 3 homies each grab 4 bucks and throw down, or you could get 6 friends with 2 bucks each, or 2 friends with 6 bucks.
  4. why would you go over done? seriously?
  5. Budda Movers holding it down
  6. CHOCOLATE CITY BURNING WILL BE SCREENING IN BARCELONA THIS SATURDAY if you're in the area, peep it Gracia Arts Project Gallery Carrer Sant Honorat No.11 Barcelona
  7. these cats make bank off of graff pictures... YOUR graff to be exact http://www.ediphoto.com/gallery/main.htm thought you'd like to know
  8. strictly necks and domes, nice
  9. i think he gets the point, moving on.
  10. you might wanna rock 99 cent cans while you're working the prototype there, just sayin, its a recession.
  11. censorship is the most offensive thing about this country. bump DEMON, my man kills it.
  12. this made me laugh like hell
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