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By no means have I bombed hard or kinged any lines, but I've followed graffiti since 85-86. I have NEVER out steped myself at any level I have taken my skill of graffiti to. I've respected those before me & I've taken in all info and/or history as another step towards being a productive graffiti artist although I mostly follow from the sidelines. I'm not here to diss anyone or hurt feelings, but what I see on the streets of NY & what I follow on here is the state of graffiti at its worst. AGAIN, I by no means produce/destroy or king anything but I was a toy & by any standards of artists at the higher level might still be a toy & respect that. I always look to take my skill and grow from it. A "Toy" today "Kings" & "Runs Shit" & the paint isn't even dry yet. The term "Style" is at ZERO. Most "Toys" don't even re-cycle style from someone else & apply there own to it! There own "Style" has no flow. Originality of NAMES in itself isn't original. Have they EVER picked up Subway Art? Watched Video Graf? Today it has to be harder to take ANYONE under their wing because I see most writers with some crazy bullshit attitude towards the past history & other respected writers that pave the way. AGAIN, only my 2 cents & no disrepect to those doing it, TOY or NOT. Just hard to see where it came from to what its become.



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