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yo i understand niggas wanna come out for a little rep, i mean afterall it all starts some where...everyone came out at first! BUT, yo the books have BEEN closed since way back when in my book at least. i aint sayin im no super motha fucka or shit but yo these new niggas comin out none th less only in 2010, cmon now...i undastand ya roamin the city streets downtown lookin in each and every window store seein the trendy shit goin on with the city life but cmon now ya niggas need to step yo games up and stick to writing wannabe rhymes or go to one of them hot97 schools for broadcasting and mucis or sum shit, dont attempt do to the graff game what has been done 20 years back cause you aint gonna succeed. these new tags and wanna be older niggas styles out there today are terrible. these names these idiot ass clowns come up with are throw up in my mouth material. yo and i said it! i just wish we had more younger niggas smokin pcp and jumpin off roof tops rather than trying to come out with a tag name for no reason, it aint like ya gonna be in this shit 20 years from now like the niggas that are OG in todays game that cam eout 20 or so years ago. STOP IT!!! Peace from yo man one huned grand":confused:

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i dont even want them to practice for years and come out! practice only pertains to burners/peices not street bombin, na mean? niggas need to go and do what i as a young nigga was preached to do "Go to school" cause these cats should not be comin out with tags and crews, they are a tragedy! respect-NONE...to no one under 28 years of age with a tag aka nick name!...we need to open up a lane for all these lames....but not in the grafff world! ya dig?

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judgin by that font size ya must be a youngin. if you was a OG nigga with established rep do you really think you would come back with a large font styled response like that? take a step back from your monitor for a minute and think about it? yo no hard feeling my g, but if you takin shit personal then you got family issues that stem off way than 12oz..prophet... dont take shit so seriously on a website that everyone is bound to come on and talk shit...put your energy into cooking food or gettin pussy maman...

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these kids gana just end up ruinin their lives with graff. either get killed or arrested. mad little kids dont understand that, they just wana go out and paint. thats why niggas never herd of them and never will.



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ahahaha my sons funny

i got straight letters rocking

in spots you never knew existed

nobodys ever herd of a htu until u started

posting your hurt graff on here

take the next 10 years of ya life and practice b

until then nobody gana take u serious iight my son?


Neva the son nigga , stop suckin this htu dick , ya old niggas think ya all hot and shit cuz ya been writin for years -_- and don't give none of the young niggas respect , so just stop suckin dick

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