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well his art show was sponsored by Mother, which is some hip advertising agency in ny. BNE actually got commisioned to paint a "mural" by them inside the warehouse where he had his show, so he got paid to have that art show by an ADVERTISING AGENCY, the same shit he says he's beefing with now. some wack shit if you ask me. he's also trying to front like he doesnt concern himself with graff writers anymore, but on top of adek, he's beefing with XTC and YKK now, so i have no idea why he's trying to act like doesnt care.


but anyway, lemme quote this ny times article real quick for those of you who havent read it


“I don’t see other graffiti writers as my competition anymore,” B.N.E. said. “Now I’m going up against the Tommy Hilfigers, Starbucks, Pepsi. You have these billion-dollar companies, and I’ve got to look at their logos every day. Why can’t I put mine up?”


"This weekend, B.N.E. was not spray-painting surreptitiously, but creating a sanctioned mural on a concrete wall in a temporarily vacant building at 595 11th Avenue, near 44th Street. It is part of an exhibition of his work that opens Thursday, sponsored by Mother, a Manhattan advertising agency.


“B.N.E. has single-handedly created a globally recognized and valued brand in the new social economy,” Mother officials said in a news release. “His presence in Flickr photo galleries and YouTube pages dwarfs that of many multinationals.”:lol: :lol:


Oh, OK. I can see what your problem with him is I suppose. Do you have the same problem with all of the other writers out there that have art shows, sponsors, art jobs and the such?

I believe if you look into Benets history you can connect the dots as to why he has beef with who he has beef with. I understand that to most NYers he probably looks like some new kid on the block putting up printed stickers. The first time I went out to SF in like 1999 I seen a bunch of his huge illegal blockletters, I also saw Adek up a lot. That was 10 years ago already.


I'm not defending the dude, I just find it irrational that a lot of people talk a lot of shit about people when they really know nothing about the shit that the person has done. I think a lot of you guys think that just because someone is an out of towner or whatever, that they are some new jack who is jocking NYC. For most of the writers who come out here, it is a destination like many of the other cities they visit and a lot of them have been writing a lot longer than you might think and have histories you don't know about. If OE3 suddenly went out to a different city and started bombing shit, how foolish would the locals who don't know anything about him sound by calling him an out of towner new jack or something along those lines?


Just my 2 cents.

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Oh, OK. I can see what your problem with him is I suppose. Do you have the same problem with all of the other writers out there that have art shows, sponsors, art jobs and the such?

I believe if you look into Benets history you can connect the dots as to why he has beef with who he has beef with. I understand that to most NYers he probably looks like some new kid on the block putting up printed stickers. The first time I went out to SF in like 1999 I seen a bunch of his huge illegal blockletters, I also saw Adek up a lot. That was 10 years ago already.


I'm not defending the dude, I just find it irrational that a lot of people talk a lot of shit about people when they really know nothing about the shit that the person has done. I think a lot of you guys think that just because someone is an out of towner or whatever, that they are some new jack who is jocking NYC. For most of the writers who come out here, it is a destination like many of the other cities they visit and a lot of them have been writing a lot longer than you might think and have histories you don't know about. If OE3 suddenly went out to a different city and started bombing shit, how foolish would the locals who don't know anything about him sound by calling him an out of towner new jack or something along those lines?


Just my 2 cents.



:) .

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2012 is another 1900 and another 1996 and another Y2k and so on...

Sheeple will always need another date to consume more and be good little sheeple at it.

The sooner you realize that all this is just dates and number made by humans to make little scence of whats really going on, the better you will be. The sooner you realize the truth about your NWO prophets like Alex Jones and the rest of the disinformation agents in the field, the better your life will be. The biggest threat to them is your free spirit, and once that is gone, they win.

Open your eyes and look, they dont have a clue to whats going on just as much as we dont. LIVE, BE HAPPY, AND TAKE EVERYTHING WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.

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