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Well, as for the sticker thing etc. We didnt grow up in a big, computer savvy era. Nowadays people at a fairly young age are introduced to internet, and new technology on almost a daily basis. , I think thats why some of the newer writers / artists are more into the stickers / posters and stuff like that. Of course there are others, SMART MQ BNE (as sumone mentioned before), who put in work... and have evolved with the times of technology.

"A bomber with no piecing skills, wheres the progression ?" . . . . . hmmm, its to vague of a question. Because there are countless writers who have NEVER got any better. Unless you consider perfecting their throwup to look like a label, always clean, progression. It is... but the progression ceased there.

Same thing with numerous piecers, their pieces are the same OVER and OVER, except the color schemes changed and an arrow or two are changed up.

I understand what u mean about the young cats who are progressing, but we are OVERWHELMED with writers, who have the mind set of quanity nowadays, over quality. Ive learned that the 90s will never be again.... jus as the 80s will never re-occur. (unless total world war occurs)

As for Sento, great example, but, i guess its jus the times, and how things have changed, the seriousness of graff charges now. The fines, etc. And it regulates to much, on how graffiti can be done,

Then , you got the opposite side, a person who can piece, but never bombed, .. he goes thru the same i guess "hate" becase of hiis/her concentration on piecing, over bombing. Main point tho, i give props to any new innovation of graff, and usually say , dam wtfk didnt i think of that. Ive always had a hatred for legal graff, but have done a few legal pieces, and have come to terms that its part of the whole graff scene in general, as is toys, and the progressers, and the 20 year vets who never truly progressed..


Indeed an educated debate. At least some people can have em .. lol @invisible mann ... whats ur input youngstah,... lol


I don't know about younstah there sonny boy. lol. Well, coming from the 90's......hmmmm it's tough to judge. But you know how I feel. The progression is backwards and new jacks concentrate more on weak shit. Wack ass throws and no respecet and niggas is dumb nowadays, maybe it's the poison in the food. I agree with what you say. And yo Sento is the illest. It'd be fresh if more heds rocked like that. I wish I had the motivation to drop mad silvers, and simples all over the place. Dude did burners in ill spots. The only graff book I ever bought was the Sento book, it was a must buy. I don't respect niggas who just rock stickers and posters and can't throw a tag or do a throw up. You can't change the origins of graffiti and I hate when ppl say things evolve and try to morph something that shouldn't be morphed into something else to justify what they are doing. Graff = tags, throws, simple-styles, and burners, plus characters. That's graff to me. If you put in work and you wanna rock posters then be it. Fuck it. But shit is different. I don't know what else to say.

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Kids now a days are trying to be like seez®, no style and just ups all over witch is understandable but if you were to ask them witch writer they prefer skeme or dero they'd respond with "never seen a fillin in my life" kids need to take the oppertunity to appreciate all thats come before instead of flipping off the cats that brought this to us nahmean.

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