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Despite hundreds of millions of dollars in economic development and rising property values in the Bronx, complaints of graffiti in the borough increased by 58% last year, costing business owners and taxpayers thousands of dollars.


Bronx police are responding with greater enforcement, cuffing 780 people for graffiti crimes last year, second only to Brooklyn in arrests citywide, according to the NYPD's comprehensive year-end GraffitiStat report, obtained by Bronx Boro News.


Police say graffiti has not necessarily increased, but that people are more vigilant and the NYPD's reporting system now requires cops to file an incident report for each graffiti complaint.


But the new reporting system does not account for the consistently steep increase in complaints over the past three years. Bronx residents filed 1,416 complaints in 2007 compared with 892 in 2006, and 338 in 2004.


In response, community leaders, politicians and the district attorney's office all say they are developing creative solutions to attack the problem — including more arrests, harsher sentences and holding building owners responsible for cleaning up graffiti as soon as it happens.


"It's in my face, there's no way to ignore it," said Fernando Tirado, district manager of Community Board 7 in Kingsbridge, which had the most graffiti complaints — 191 — in the Bronx. "Business owners become exasperated from the amount of work they have to do just to maintain their property."


"It sends a horrible, horrible message," said state Sen. Jeff Klein, who runs a graffiti hotline and cleaning service through his office.


"It shows that the community is in disrepair, on the decline."


Klein (D-Bronx, Westchester) echoed what many, from the district attorney's office to local shop owners, say - graffiti needs to be cleaned up quickly.


Frank Fitts, community council president for the 45th Precinct, which had the most - 311 - graffiti complaints in the borough, said he tells residents to report graffiti even after the painters are gone, so the city has a record of it.


Arrests of those caught in the act and kids with graffiti paraphernalia in school were up by 61% last year over 2006, from 484 to 780.


But police say that no matter how many officers there are, graffiti is simply a difficult crime to stop.


"It's not so much understaffing. It's a crime you really have to be lucky to catch the kids, it's done so fast," said Officer Vic DiPierro, community affairs officer of the 49th Precinct. "Kids can tag up a store gate in seconds."


The district attorney's office held a summit meeting with transit officials last week on how to prosecute graffiti vandals not initially caught in the act.


Earlier this month, the office prosecuted a teen who was arrested with a camera filled with photos of works he admitted creating.


Punishment for first time offenses includes community service or restitution to property owners.


In the past, the community service may have included sweeping streets, but under an experimental program in Bronx Criminal Court, called Bronx Community Solutions, offenders specifically have to clean up graffiti. Repeat offenders face jail time.


Wilfredo (Bio) Feliciano, a former street graffiti artist turned professional mural artist, argued criminal convictions are not the answer.


"For these kids, this is the way of letting the world know, to say, I exist," he said.


"If they would use half of the money in finding outlets for people, you'll maybe cut that number of complaints in half."


Klein "wholeheartedly" disagrees.


"I would like to see more arrests being made," he said.


"It's a crime. There's a very small percentage of vandals that eventually become artists. You see the garbage scrawled on buildings, it's not art."



Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/bronx/2008/02/12/2008-02-12_graffiti_a_slap_in_face_to_changing_bron-1.html#ixzz17vW4uwxU

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bx graffiti isnt getting worse, people are just becoming more fragile and sheltered. you live in borough with a population larger than half the states in this country, god forbid you would have to see them, or deal with their names on the walls u pass on your way to the train


people are soft, scared, and yearn for nothing more than a sterile existence with their television and their respective dangling carrots. this is why graffiti is reported more. not because its an cancerous epidemic taking over city streets block by block, because we are slaves to the llifestyle and products we work our entire lives to obtain.

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your a herb for reading it first of all...second, u actually belive him..smh:rolleyes:


:lol: :lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:


I'm asking. Is reading a big arduous task for you?


And yes I actually believe him. I've been waiting for a 1988 Sentra with over 300K miles to come along. Thought about it and ESS we have to make a deal. What precinct you at? Holla.


Better not bark at me Dumb motherfucker.

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