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Yea..... Sorry to burst yah bubble that shit is fake I know these niggas they a bunch of clowns... They probably made the video to try to blow up there "rap group"......... Niggas are funny like that, try to clown themselves to attempt to advance themselves yah dig.....


fake or not that shit was funny

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ok, so i have using this site for years and over the years i have witnessed a drastic change in the graff game. i just now made an account because im super high and feel like speaking my mind. when i first started painting niggas was going crazy, i would see train lines being bombed every night, this site was filled with new pics, everything was just crazy. then all of the sudden shit just died. no more pics no more graff. just e-thugs and niggas poppin off on eachother. no one was out killin shit, instaid of rushing to spots niggas were rushing to their computers to be fucking e-thugs. thats some stupid shit if you ask me. now niggas is getting mad that out of towners are running the city, now whos fault is that? while all you niggas sat back and argued or whatever you niggas was doing, these out of towners came in and took over our city. now im not tryna say that i stayed strong and painted all these years but i was not one of these niggas who sat behind a computer and acted hard. i have to give props that did stay painting through out the years and i give those niggas respect because they stayed doing their thing while you niggas just sat back and watched. the point of this is, all you niggas need to get off your asses and start bombing and take back our fucking city![/b]



Yo shut up dawg your obviously a white dude saying niggas so niggaz will take him serious. lol

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painting niggas was going crazy, and niggas poppin off on eachother. niggas were rushing niggas is getting mad niggas sat back and argued niggas was doing, these niggas who sat behind a computer and acted hard. those niggas respect because they stayed doing their thing while you niggas j niggas need to[/b]





I love how coastal cities act all "progressive", chant mantras to the likes of:" we're ahead of the curve". And ban words, like nigger or nigga, same thing.



Go back to grammar skool.

Learn some new words.

Learn how express yourself; not like some dumb...

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Let me sum up the last 5 pages of this thread.




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