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tight shirt, pants and converse/vans -- thats what EVERY graffiti writer wore in the 70's 80's - there was no "look" niggas were all poor!! black, white, spanish - all poor! The whole northface, bookbag writer "look" came from niggas that just wanted to look cool! kids today realize you dont need expensive clothes to look cool, white t-shirt, raggy jeans and dirty vans will still get you some hot pussy..

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tight shirt, pants and converse/vans -- thats what EVERY graffiti writer wore in the 70's 80's - there was no "look" niggas were all poor!! black, white, spanish - all poor! The whole northface, bookbag writer "look" came from niggas that just wanted to look cool! kids today realize you dont need expensive clothes to look cool, white t-shirt, raggy jeans and dirty vans will still get you some hot pussy..


kids in the hood werent wearing vans in the 80's , nor where they wearing convers. It was Pro Keds 69ers and occassional shell "top" adidas.


and the only pussy thats into hipster attire is a dirty bitch with hairy legs and dirty hair.


The invasion of the hipster killed "new" New York. It is what it is, everyone knows it. No point in cryin' about it. Just worry about yurself. Its a fad that will pass once the landlords eat up all these kids 6 month lease money and they gotta move back to Alabama.

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