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Re: SAN HOE-SAY - 09-13-2010, 05:41 PM

bump them dudes!

my ladys dad was telling me how dudes from lords made up twb.(mes)

dudes from lords made up jbf(exodus or something)

dudes from lords helped make aot(blest, or bless i forgot ,glare,zike)

dudes from lords were in bcs.

dudes in lords made up fms.

he was saying how alot of young dudes got no respect for the elders like they dont know who boast and pure are but today they are in the crew those dudes made.

they dont know bless is but they are in the crew he made up.

i was straight tripping to because i would think they would know i didnt know but im not in those crews.he was showing me pictures of san jo straight crushed..like san fran /new york crushed.i should ask him if i can scan them he wrote droc or something like that back in the day and he was saying lords was always destroying dudes,they even made up a crew called bunk and no one knew it was a crew because all the dudes wrote the same way because zike was crushing so they made up bunk just to battled zike but zike smashed on them and no one knew it was a crew of guys.that zike was the last true king of san jose

he had pics of romance to..and egr,blur,teacher,ime,blush,step,blazer,teaser,sten ,spray,fean,refuser,bear,oreo,mr ed,rebel,devour,fade,rem,task,despar,irok,me,a crew called u.c.,but i guess he tripped out because he still sees lords up,he was saying even back then they ran shit.that no one could touch them dudes like dudes would try to battle and just get destroyed and vanish for years and then a newer generation would pop up ,i didnt know the crew was that old or up.he said they would king bus lines like 22,25,66,68,72 etc they were one of the first crews to do rooftops down town not like now were we get one or two he had pics of like bombed out rooftops.were the clubs are now was all destroyed,santa clara had thrwoies all up and down.

i guess the city got all crazy and cracked down on everyone and the buff came..but dudes like dekal,diar,puzl and dtc,force, they all grew up on the lords stuff.but he says all sorts of stuff when hes drunk lol f::-FOUND THIS IN THE SAN JOSE THREAD THOUGHT I'D POST SOME FUNNY BUT TRUE HISTORY!!!HAHAH

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