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Chi-Chi 133 was Tracy's old partner.

It was real funny how we first met Tracy. we used to hit Baychester lay-ups hard, so one day we are going in and there is a bag of paint hanging down from the entrance. So we're like AIGHT!!

We take the paint and go inside, all of a sudden there is this older white guy coming at us, OH Shit!! it's a raid!! hahaha, we was getting ready to jet, and he was like "yo, what you write?" WildStyle!

It was bugged out, he was real cool. And we all painted that night, I had something to the right of this.

Tracy 168= StyleMaster

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Chi-Chi 133 was Tracy's old partner.

It was real funny how we first met Tracy. we used to hit Baychester lay-ups hard, so one day we are going in and there is a bag of paint hanging down from the entrance. So we're like AIGHT!!

We take the paint and go inside, all of a sudden there is this older white guy coming at us, OH Shit!! it's a raid!! hahaha, we was getting ready to jet, and he was like "yo, what you write?" WildStyle!

It was bugged out, he was real cool. And we all painted that night, I had something to the right of this.

Tracy 168= StyleMaster


Aight good looking out on that.

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