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Posts posted by DRUG CARTEL

  1. yard)))) you are now beeing offered 2 join ((DMT)) it meens you will make

    10-s of thousands of dollers,,. over night,,. with no money down,,.

    eny-way,,. your e--mail iz full,. clear sum space so i can mail ya,, .

    ==================================================== = = = =



    ================================= = = =

  2. cuz 12-oz went down and crashed,

    well then, you probublee missed the inside the drug lab video footage posted

    on youtube a week or so ago,. .

    (we are very bizz-ee ,,growing and selling , large quantities , of high grade dope,.

    be back sometime ''or'',,,.. -a- ''nuther'' '' ' ',,. .. . .






    ,,.. .

  3. .















































































    --------------- prt 1,...










    ----------------------- - prt--2--- - -



























  4. DrugCartel





    you holdin cardboard for straight lines!!!

    flicks in ct ny and you film shit that just makes you look worse all for each to their own but someones gotta tell you






























































    ,.,..,... .

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