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Everything posted by jerrybrudos..

  1. dosent cheees know that there is a cheese alreadyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W56U9cQz7PI
  2. in reality if ur in a group with more then 5 people its consitered a "gang"
  3. staright gangsterism hahaah
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^ he looks really serious dog......
  5. i know fucker hahahahaha its all good :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. not even kid bump esto and kase :rolleyes:
  7. kase and esto i see yoou!
  8. cus this thread needs more picks
  9. watever happened too these guys
  10. :gaga: :gaga: :gaga: :gaga: :gaga: :gaga: internent fame
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