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Posts posted by ironMonkey

  1. this shouldn't have to be said, but I am gonna say it anyway, if you heard about 2 niggas last night you don't talk about this shit here. it aint needed. also, if you know me you know that I have a very close source that works for the city and county, and I am tellin yall now, if you're gonna paint, might as well make it streetspots, cause the chill spots aint gonna be so chill the next few months. mr. bing is on some mission right now to tear down some buildings, and get rid of "eyesores" and yall know that already if you read the paper. the nigga got the federal money to do it. so if you choose to go to chill spots, at least watch your back going in and out them bitches. peace.


    super bump, shits gettin hot indoors

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