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Everything posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. ghandi giv good camera buying advice? johnny said he kno a nigga in the L.E.S who trade slr's 4 henny :lol: maybe we shuld send summa dat dust to the bx so there toys can get sum extraTELLEST guidance.. bump my bx niggas who can ACTUALLY write graffiti
  2. who got 5 onna bag of dust!? its friday niggaz... im tryna hava conversation wit johnny cochrans ghost
  3. ^ur right for i have seen the future standing on the shoulders of giants....and it doesnt look good.... r.i.p graffiti *MEOW*
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUkpR2Q6Oy8
  5. ok its spelled PEDOPHILE 1st off... is that what you were trying to type? get off that dell shit and grab a mac my queer-o-sexual... they got this f12 button.. ittl tell you how to spell ANYTHING in the english language...ANYTHING!!!poor kids only take time to learn how to spell they tag &cant read! nigga prolly needed help filling out the census :lol:(if old enough to get one) if the young niggas were takin care of the streets PROPERLY then theres no argument.. but THAT SHIT!?? common kid.. you know deep down in ya heart you wish you were better at this... no type of WRECK? my ham sammich, niggas had wreck when ya moms was buyin u hard bottom shoes for easter.. you fight too?? :lol: if tabe caught you on the streets it would be "PLEA PLEA PLEA PLEA nah bro i respected ur shit from back in the days but fills over out...*punch*" pajama pants wearin outside ass nuthings.... afterbirth... the goo from the golden age... whats left over.. bastard unwanted children with no sense of respect...a.k.a flash in the pan oner i feel for your generation...u dont know what LIVING truly is.. or reading for that matter but enjoy your 15mins...ittl be gone b4 u know it..
  6. [/img] niggas playd theself hardbody on this one... tft-team
  7. if it takes that much energy to understand... is it really worth it? i shouldnt have to speak 3 languages to read your shit
  8. and nomore drawing food as ya tag!!! niggas makin me hungry and shit
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