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Everything posted by LIFES MODERATOR

  1. 2busy hating on 12oz ....i cant surf or boogie board:( i never learned to swim gurgle gurgle.. *dead*
  2. i fucks with niggas who take graff way too seriously.. those the ones that gonna split ya wig if you nipped em..like in the bad old days... man i miss those days...:crap: pass me another coors light bro
  3. Niggas so ill even GOOGLE couldn't pronounce that shit...:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: i guess google hatin too?
  4. niggas boogie boardin so hard they forgot a vowel...
  5. whats up with these no word tag ass niggas?
  6. how would you even pronounce that? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  7. is he wiping shit on his "piece"? :lol:
  8. i asked santa for an ignore list... and he lookd out! who says christmas isnt about miracles?! :)
  9. :lol: :lol: its never too late to listen :lol: .... to the tooth fairy :lol:
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