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Everything posted by DirtyBird

  1. such a slow pace thead...i swear theres only a post or 2 a day.
  2. they from santa cruz. CA. Kick It is a island local
  3. actually zeus and asike. but bump this, this spot was fucken killa.
  4. you aint being sarcastic. you just bumbed him saying im lame. watch who u callen a dumb fuck. wish every one else in the crew had the balls to tell you what a bitch you are. it dont even take balls... its the obvious. check yo self
  5. fuck mystic. fuck you to! crew is crew and you gonna go bumb a guy your homies got beef with. mystic aint shit. bump bay area nigga, we go it real! come on out boi! then what? get ya face bust. dont be lame aklame. for real
  6. your super gay faggit! you cant say it to my face? gotta talk shit on the internet ah? thats all you can do is say ah your gay? lol lame.
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