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Posts posted by jonconnor

  1. yo did omes just straight up take loafs o or what?


    i cant believe yall r hatin on grind so hard, magrudergrind is the shit and insect warfare are the shit. pretty little flower just played last night at speed trials. those r some good friends of mine. ok im done talkin grind w yous guys.













  2. this is probably the best and most entertaining paper I have ever read in my life. I am sure there are places to get these, but the only spot I have seen them is at fort and trumball at the marathon. I highly advise you to go get one. you're welcome. fuck you.



    thats dsd, bottom row second from the left. leanord colon. and wash them dirty ass sheets haha




    north face hoes

  3. nice...props to my dude from outta town steppin corectly with some shit talk...really gave it some effort but just didnt bring the A game. good laugh tho. yo DSD, i have a feeling your so bored and love talking shit so much that titty twister is actually u hahaha

  4. went to the worlds largest pillow fight....i must have killed at least 150 people. ender prolly killed like maybe 100. shit was fuckin brutal. it was like you got a stupid hat...WACK...i dont like your jew fro...WACK...ur boyfriend is a dork ...then hit both of em...hahaha, we got rocked hard as fuck too...heads on bump


    is that loaf an dems in st. louie?

  5. :lol: :lol: :lol:





    nah, though, i heard a certain SENSI-milla dude has a hand in that spot, respect. Now, they just gotta dump that BULLSHIT ass plutonius garbage paint and replace it with SPANISH MONTANA HARDCORE and sell it at a reasonable price ($5 A CAN). FUCK plutonius paint, i'd rather sniff a dirty train hoppers ass, raw, than paint with that bullshit.


    hahahaha plutonious garbage sounds like a gwar member

  6. ill faygo truck, army kosek short buss meltin faces, bump esco...unbump tha fuck outta the toxsick fags..hoe ass busta ass fools.


    I forgot how g code beat street was......its so white......its so CLEEEEEN!

  7. why were you at city club to begin with? core kids do not belong there and neither do you. everyone knows that goth kids don't scrap so why even bother cracking the shit crust. next time you and all hardcore friends should go to the stick where core is the aura. real talk.


    we would go there just to get kicked out sometimes just outta pure boredom. I been socked up by that security so many times.

  8. i posted a lot of this shit in other threads too but some fools here know about a few of these people but oh well its whatevs, I cant flik detroit shit anymore but ill keep anything thats not detroit out of this thread......btw thats not LA either but just the same, fuck it...my bad dawg!

  9. [ATTACH]128387.vB[/ATTACH]


























  10. just went into the city to catch fliks and tags and ended up gettin a sweet fillin on a cutty ass exit ramp like at 6:30...sketch city but it came out steppin correctly. seen a couple chans, giants and some awr shit and a fresh payback keys truck. flicked a dope ass saber roller too....lot of thr mop tags too....

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