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Everything posted by ChickenBurritos

  1. Wow...at least he did the damn spots. What have you done? this is why everyone says this thread blows so much. yap yap yap is all anyone knows how to do. Someone PLEASE post up some flicks that aren't of the same lame, tired-ass, legal walls...if you don't have flicks or anything good to say then why say anything at all? Seriously. 66 pages and half of it is meaningless commentary.
  2. TAONE RAE VF visual flavors SN MUL Arest
  3. Here's some pretty old indy flicks...not stolen velcro unit ridle bozac ridles krosha keas keas kaps kaps fresco spud fails fails faes KA era-one KA dyslo dyslo drew7 dre w7 kung fu mr. mina MUL REIGN (super old)
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