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Everything posted by ChickenBurritos

  1. http://www.indy.com/photos/30520 What. The. Fuck.
  2. it's gonna be funny when people show up at the legal wall on 9/11 now...
  3. cros - "fuck some chinese water torture" Hahaha!
  4. well...you see...everyone decided collective that graffiti is done. you can all go home now.
  5. yes. In fact, you could even say that I 'racked' it.
  6. not my picture...caught in Missouri
  7. i literally just lol'd my ass off.
  8. cheeky im not gettin emotional on you, i just think its fuckin dumb. but it isnt my beef, let ol boy find out himself i guess...
  9. Regardless of who would smash who...people think they're hard as fuck on here...come on...it's an internet forum. Fortherecord is right though. Ex made that track and dropped a bunch of names and bullshit. He released it while dude can't get to him. Come on, that is WEAK ASS SHIT.
  10. is that FST and IWS? That's splendid as hell dude.
  11. usk, i wasn't talking about you, you're catchin' on a little bit yo poo, i got you...here
  12. found this in a restroom in indy a few years ago...thought it was interesting...seek one am7 ctc
  13. i havent seen any of this but....it doesn't matter how much something is up if it ISN'T GOOD...
  14. maaan talk to either of those cats, guarantee theyd both laughed if you said that to em..neither one of them on some cocky shit if thats what youre implying...
  15. Baby Toes are you A COP or are you trying to suck some brisk dick? That's seriously all you post. And questions related to brisk.
  16. i guess if shit talkers get what's coming, you're gonna have a lot coming your way I haven't come on this forum talking shit, you did. You don't do anything but talk talk talk, it's idiots like you that made this thread suck before. Post some flicks or shut the fuck up...
  17. that last velcro is weird!!! gnarly spot.
  18. you talk a lot for a dude who doesn't like talking. I didn't say shit, I just cracked a lil joke with ya homie....kyudddd. Where your flix at son?
  19. that's so fishy it smells like your girlfriend...
  20. that old TUSK joint on the interstate was the shit! I remember seeing that when it was brand new...
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