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Posts posted by BusyDrowningCats

  1. Ha funny diss now youll have that dude msg you on here 20x asking for your phone number. Not to worry no matter how many times they say they are coming they get lost along the way every time, somehow.

  2. i dont know fade or think. one thing I do know think paints alotta spots love him or hate him. he's doing his thing.


    also gets gone over like its his fucking job

  3. No ones sweatin the dumb shit anyways these cats just talktalktalk like they are some shit, i have personally called you out both publicly and privately, offered to rock you anyway you want it. You musta got lost those 5 times on your way to cleveland. First it was halloween, then it was xmas, then the first of the year..


    i mean i know its hard to find a real city on the map when you live in a fucking college/cow town

    youre so fucking tough you can beat up on a criket but when some real motherfuckers who didnt give a fuck about your faggot graffiti came along and just wanted to put you in a coma for flappin that mouth you took a big fucking step back, made it seem like you were gonna do something then never contacted any of us again.


    and no one cares if shut down a thread full of fucking faggots. inb4 OH NOO BAN

    • Like 1
  4. You Talk shit and are scared to give me your number, and you're seriously tryin to call me gay?!


    Haha this dude said "OMG" and "i'm gonna put a gun in your face" in the same sentence, like that was gonna scare somebody?!


    Point me to the omg in this message you soft ass bitch


    Sorry im not in the habit of giving strange men on the internet my phone number, as you obviously are. Think i need you fucking fags calling me private? We dont give a fuck about you or your dumbass graffiti club.


    Funny you didnt mention alot being a little fucking scene pussy in that little ragefit


    Somehow i feel once you have a pistol pointed at you your whole tone would change. This aint highschool assclown, Im 26, kid


    also cute that kid with the fucking @ sign in his name is complaining about abbreviations on the internet. Guess you didnt know your boyfriend called mob and said he didnt want none

  5. Funny thing is, you talk all this shit like youre some seasoned vet and your fallin mad short


    First off, you're checkin out other mens facebooks. It dont take no scientist to know that's some ol fag shit (plus you say shit like "omg, Irl, IMO " and all sorts of other young girlish slang, so I wouldn't be talkin bout Lil sisters either)



    word speaking of gay shit with men am i the only dude you ask for their phone number on here?, or its like a circlejerk thing?

  6. see youre confused motherfuckers just dont care.. Not speaking for spoons but every OG GRAFFITI slayer whos talked shit on here, you go look at their fucking facebooks and its a clown shoes pussy who would get choked the fuck out


    It fucking sucks finding out who dudes are that way, looking at heads that i looked up to, like oh this dude fucking kills it; a few years down the line going over the same writers, cuz you found out that in real life they are like 130 lbs and are a bunch of scene fags. This website made me lose so much respect for so many people, just by finding out who they are..


    Its fucked up that some people think you should "respect them" solely on what they painted, and not whether or not they could win a fight against your sister.

  7. I'll shave a chim richalds tag in your dads pubic hair, you can beat off in the corner.


    except irl you wouldnt even admit to writing, much less let people know thats you.

  8. Throwing some paint at a wall at a chill spot is wild homo, if that shit dripped on my piece someone would be getting fucked up.


    yeah, except they fucking wouldnt. Whatevers there im going over it.

  9. haha yeah except if you check the pic thats what they are... its like a grenade. you put paint in a glass bottle and throw it? its not like i was calling a throw a bomb or sum weird shit like that. haha but dont believe me i honestly dont give to fucks if some people on the internet dont believe that i write..


    just.. stop posting.

  10. yo imma come see your whole crew. mike on a bike? fuckin hipster faggots ill see yall.


    alot ht pbj.


    haha aint none of us hipsters playboy but thats cool dry snitch some more tho


    and idk where youre at but were chillin..

  11. yeah YOUR cool I see giving me proops in july and now HATING ON me.

    JUMP on the band wangon "SON"


    your post dude.


    06-20-2010, 02:06 PM

    Replies: 2,626 BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.

    Views: 195,580 Posted By BusyDrowningCats

    Re: BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF * BEEF Official Thread.


    bump crow real ohio shit haha see you got a flock of haters keep it up



    Thats kinda like you bumpin TR kids and them goin over them? right??


    And a few months ago when i posted that you werent going over us. Like i said, totally cool, you wanted more beef you found it.

  12. Seems no one really knows? Probably gay ass think and consume.


    Anyways, better go over that shit before someone else does, cuz ppl been talking about it.

  13. yea new jacks don't show any respect for old clevo graffiti history its sad!

    ANOTHER SAY THING IS SPOTS LIKE TRAIN AVE,THE RIVER WALL, in anyother city there would be BURNERS on them walls . But not here just Bull shit....


    Maybe you should go paint a burner there.

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