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Posts posted by oakland273

  1. Andrew will be missed by everyone that knew him, and although I had lost touch with him in the last few years, I can say with confidence that I would not be writing today if it wasn't for the influence of Bloat. From showing up at his house after work randomly and having him welcome me on bombing runs with Bely, to buying the first two cans of montana off of him to do my very first piece, he was always a major influence. He gave me advice on my first sketch I ever did, and was even willing to get down in a side crew I was putting together, which never really took off. Andrew was a pleasure to be around, and a truly class act. Andrew was even willing to help me paint a banner for my Senior class during downtown rally (Hayward cats know), coming through and showing love and respect to the youngsters. I'll never forget the Yoder voice, Haywardgraffiti.com, and the art he left behind.


    Lone ASE TFN

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