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Posts posted by Beerski

  1. old bullshit..just so theres SOMETHING to look at....






    I'm only calling upon a sketch posted months ago that' apparently an old sketch anyway because i find it to be comical when a writer can draw a gesus G better than himself when he's been rocking that style for wayyyy too long. lmao.

  2. Let me put it this way... The european SDK doesn't give a fuck about any of you kids, not one of you. So shut the fuck up, im sure they'd think you're a bunch of losers if they saw you harassing the canadian SDK anyway because it's nonsense. How many of you have the skills to burn this SDK crew? Post your pics or shut your fat mouths. Have some respect for a crew that is making it further with their graff careers than you will with whatever career your parent's send you to college for. Idiots.


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