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Invisible Hometown

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Everything posted by Invisible Hometown

  1. 90's Indy flicks are the best. I love seeing those old Shores, Demos and Creeps. Those were the styles I was seeing in the very beginning. Slope and Tokeo MUL were crazy influential too, but both were from other cities. I think the art on the Tent wall ebbs and flows. Just as you don't like what is on there now, you may love it on your next trip...
  2. Ender has to be one of the sickest people out
  3. Nice Tamahawk theme by Omen74, What up CISA! That last one is LikeOne from Chicago. future funk...
  4. If you don't live here and are not from here, your comments are meaningless, period. You don't know what this so-called scene has come from. You may be from a bigger city, run with better known crews, and be down to commit felonies at a moment's notice. But I guarantee you are not better than the dopest writers in MY city, which happens to be Indianapolis. What city are all you big-timers from anyway? Must be a pretty hard town if you gave up fucking with local writers and came all the way down the food chain to criticize us. Gosh, we're touched. Indianapolis represent. We never got any credit before and I doubt that will change anytime soon. You know who you are.
  5. REAPS in Seattle. http://dayinthelyfe.com/ scroll down
  6. FRAMES FOUND. Thanks homies....
  7. IWS crew had a show at Big Car Gallery in the first half of September. During the time the show was up, we had hung 3 frames outside the gallery containing memorabilia, photos and newspaper clippings from the last 15+ years. It seems that some person or persons has stolen these frames for no reason we can think of. This was a bullshit prank and we need to get them back. Nothing can be gained from their disappearance. It has been years since IWS has had any known beef with anyone (except internet chumps who would never talk shit in person) so we're at a loss for any idea who could have taken the frames. The only time people ever step to us is on this forum so this is as good a place as any to ask around. The items in question belong to Dose and know he doesn't have any enemies left. I don't think we deserve to have our shit stolen, regardless what you think of our approach to graffiti. Thanks to everyone for your support.
  8. Omen 74 representing with the solo production, CISA love! It's real cool to see what this jam has turned into. Almost everyone is bringing prodos now. Even crews that are not known for productions do serious work out here when they come through. This jam always reminds me that there is a new generation looking up to us who have been at it for a while. Knowing some of these guys since they first started, I am really humbled to see how they all have evolved to become truly unique at what they do. We'll get those flicks uploaded soon to Subsurface Graffiti's flickr stream. In the meantime, Omen74's in-progress video:
  9. Hell yeah. the Drake was our wall of fame; back when a wall of fame meant something. It was rare to see a toy tag over pieces there. When people came in from out of town or wanted to do a nice production, the drake was the place it went down. I saw many amazing Slope burners on that wall. there was also the UN with the plaid fill. Can't forget the MUL beanie babies production. I miss the days when toys were scared. Now they catch a ugly tag at a legal wall and jump on here to ask everyone's opinion. UN TOKEO DEMO BAKS NEX SLOPE SLOPE SLOPE! thanks for the old flicks. More classics coming up in 2010.
  10. Anyone who has grown up in Indy and watched the graff scene over the years knows better than to pay mind to internet shit-talkers. According to this thread, a lot of people think our city sucks....incredibly. Left and right people are professing their realness and insulting anyone who has stuck to it long enough to have a reputation. As soon as somebody gets some attention, they become a target for some faceless critic. I have seen it in this thread many times and I have to pose the question: If this city is so wack, why do the haters stay and constantly complain? And, If it's as bad as some people say, then we already know so spare us all the shit shower and post some flicks. Yeah Indy is wack and fake as hell compared to NYC, Chicago, etc. Recognize where you are and take pride in the fact that you can play a role in this young graff culture. You can teach the kids to talk shit and be a hater....or you can teach them that graffiti is a deep culture with very powerful heritage and only the dopest will be remembered. Petty shit exists everywhere and only gets worse the bigger the city. At some point you have to rise above it and just do your thing or you will lose your mind. Besides, if you're so real that you can pass judgment then aren't you too real for this petty internet crap? A person could do 30 tags in the time it takes to talk shit, wait for a response, respond back, wait for a response, then talk some more shit. If you want a better city, make a better contribution. Peace to: Dose, Creep, Slope, Union, Tokeo, Demo, Check - Just a few of the guys that set an example at a time when it was a lot harder to have style.
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