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acros <gmf>

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Everything posted by acros <gmf>

  1. haha..no can do..those are old cans,with the male caps..i got 4 full cans.
  2. and "no i didnt cross out that panas"it was already crossed out.
  3. its only 30 cans..i've had more in my stash then that before
  4. bump that chino fillin,does anybody know who he went over??
  5. bump my boy wons afb,and my old 95 tag on top..lol
  6. true that..i also see you in gunset sparks to!
  7. i know you do,and i know you wish that i would stop cause i'm such a toy..but i'm here to stay..sorry to ruin your day ucee.
  8. bump my boys GOUCH NKC,ZECT CGB,CINIK VAC!!
  9. zex i can tell your a good little kid,who just likes to vent off on 12oz,cause your such a failure.but things can always change, for you.its never to late kiddo..you just keep sticking up your little stickers,and acting real tuff on 12oz,you'll be ok.trust me on that.;)
  10. and ur still on my dick,you jock.i might be a toy. but i'll out do you any day MR.zexmex.. just cause your dad was a somebody,doesnt make you a somebody in this game,cause your shit is super TOY!!
  11. lol@all the toys on here,who love to talk shit about others. acting as if there somebodies them selves.when in fact,there more whack then the people they try to criticize,and belittle.how ironic is that!!! lol 2 all you bench warming nobodies on this site.
  12. USERS CURRENTLY VIEWING THIS THREAD: 67 (23 members and 44 guests) acros <gmf> , fagritti , suicide bombin , lowballer , tha whut , excite_the_feds , XxthakingofqueenzXx , moco666 , swagmatic , FACTORY_MADE , armored , the flats , PNOID76 , HSMOLESTER , 90SBROOKLYN , username5000 , Spier , lilkidshit , why write , THE SLEEZY ONE , fastZeetec302 , vandalthisbitch yeah i'm bored..lol
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