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Posts posted by DEMON 202

  1. Fat letter DC style? Are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?! This piece is HORRIBLE... etc..wife...etc...kids... etc...pedophile... etc etc...



    dude... take a deep breath.


  2. Does DC have a street art related thread? Such as stencils and shit.


    Or would that also go here?




    No.. and Hell NO...............


    HAHAHAHAA!!!!!!ooohhhhh... god BLESS my crew!!!

  3. aLOTTa idiots up in here. im out. fuck this gay shit.

    ( I seriously think half the folk on here dont even write )




    I rest my fucking case.



    Thank god this bullshit open forum doesent really rep whats actually goin on in DC. Cornball toys from Chicago weighing in on DC beef, no name wannabees from fuck-knows-where comin with 5 different screennames a day claiming a bunch of crews that nobody that ACTUALLY writes would even care about. And THE-WORST-DISSES-I-HAVE-EVER-HEARD-IN-MY-ENTIRE-LIFE!! "Demon you got a fucked up tooth, "Ultra, youre older than me,"Cast, Youre Mexican" ... REALLY?? Thats the best you people can do?? Son, 80% of the posts up on here are from straight bedroom toys and their little brothers who stole their 12oz password. And SOME people need to keep practicing up in their back yard before they post some of these flicks Ive been seeing... dude... heads should be getting CLOWNED for some of the tumbleweeds they be postin.


    So this here's Demons OFFICIAL final post, anybody wanna contact me you best use smoke signals cause the kid is AUDI 5!!!!



    Not to quote J, but: "A wise man told me don't argue with fools

    Cause people from a distance can't tell who is who"



    All haters post your tired middle-school circle jerker replies... ... ... ...now!!



    P.S. - that movie "BRONSON" is the shit, son!! http://www.megavideo.com/?v=AP24Y0RX

  4. wow... btm... wasnt even talkin about you guy...(whoever you are)... but ok, if you see your stuff as drain hair, whatevs.






    "uglier if you smile"? is that the best you can do? somebody's on some "im rubber youre glue" status. very adult.

    dont be mad.






  5. Alot of heads kind of missing the point...



    the "point" being that heads got no prob with cats rolling through and getting biz, up's is up's. But a cornball is a cornball and is treated as such, but gabbygabby woof ticket heads are easy to spot when they start talkin long range smack about streets-on-which-they-do-not-walk.

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