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Everything posted by justcalmdowndude!

  1. what kind of thing are you doing then? must be pretty good sayin somethin like that.
  2. that nark on the stone wall, there currently? if so, rad.
  3. if you think you could have done better then you should have got there first instead of waiting then commenting and crying. that peril is bitten off of an old t.dee. i hope one of you remembers that piece cause im too lazy to find it. but yeh.
  4. the rimes obviously been gone for a long time but now everything is gone.
  5. yes missouri is where i really live, obviously. its quite nice here in the bayou.
  6. roc the other guys apart from cep, those lines arent too sharp for using all euro paint eh?
  7. chris brown is doing a really good job at covering his nose as well as looking hard core. it might just be me but seeing a good hand or hollow makes me happyer than seeing a piece thats been worked on for days. i dont know, maybe im weird. i like the emotion spontinaety emits.
  8. old angular stie is quite nice. i dont hate i just articulate, constructive crits yes?
  9. i dont really like that arez. its the same thing every time and his letters arent exactly seductive to the eye, kind of clunky and the extentions dont feel to have any power or meaning to them, just kind of there. maybe its just me. meh. oh gusto on the other hand is very very impressive.
  10. hey guys... they all win, theyre dirty thirty and they all have style haha obvious answers guys cmon!
  11. you live for 12oz eeeeech. oh ofek yer most recent post is pretty refreshing, thank you for having a personality.
  12. people arent scared to man up they just thinks its funny to mess with people online. talking shit with no reprocussions is fun. its just good old retarded fun an means noone harm. angry responses are pretty funny though.
  13. i dislike standard generic streights a bit, id rather someone put something creative up. its shows people still have personality even if it is a little beginnerish :)
  14. ill repost the pics just because it doesnt look like sape or narks standard "jersey" streights. but yeh i think that might be self promoting. just maybe.
  15. wait a second... it changed directions and missed part! didnt see that strange bit of info. hmreh?
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