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Everything posted by rage3

  1. The name ame is already taken.
  2. Now that is what I call a page of quality graff
  3. You gotta watch your back on Sesame Street. Looks real dope. Bisc N Leia Bk all day
  4. That Cas back there is lookin real tight. Lets see the rest.
  5. Eazy, Reo, Craze lookin real dope. Hi Crew loves them boarders.
  6. Got that mag thoes flix came from. Good one. Fuck the computer. Bring back Under cover, Crazy Kings, !2oz the mag, I could go on forever.
  7. I think that Hi Crew graffiti jam wall needs to take a little viagra.
  8. I'm lovin all the Royl pieces. I know he would to.
  9. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for showing so much love to Elliot. It really means alot to his family and friends. All the pieces look great. Yesterday I went and rocked a Royl piece. I took it from a blackbook he would always draw in when he came to my crib. Now he is chillin next to Celo. If someone could flick it that would be great. Because I basically have no computer skills.
  10. My best friend. Love you and miss you brotha. My life will not be the same.
  11. Elliot was and always will be my best friend. The world has suffered a great loss. I can barely put into words haw I feel. We are all better off for knowing him. Life is short, respect your family, your friends and others. Because you never know what could happen tommorow. Five and half years ago I lost my younger brother from a nother mother Celo. I never thought I would be going through this again.
  12. who ever dissed that colo not only disrespected celo but they also disrespected me. you are going to have a real problem. real talk.
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