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barack obamala

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Everything posted by barack obamala

  1. I remember there used to be a time when graff was good...
  2. It's really nice to see where some writers started off and eventually ended up at...
  3. would ya'll two ladies shut the fuck up... ya'll sound ridiculous.
  4. y is totem so bad at graf? dude can't paint for shittttt...
  5. Peter, please stop taking pictures. shitty pictures + shitty graff. leave the flickin to gentrifried... hahaha
  6. you guys can't be serious. dude needs serious guidance in typography, color theory, and fuck it... everything. don't get me wrong, it's all good for wackness to practice, but do it in the cut.
  7. Chris Christie = no legalization of marijuana in the state of New Jersey. Jon Corzine = legalization of marijuana in the state of New Jersey within 2010. sucks for me :(
  8. sounds JUST like someone i know :rolleyes: hmm i wonder.
  9. is it just me or is that... and all of... myans shit terrible.
  10. defy just became 1 of my favorite artist
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