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Everything posted by cuttybigmac

  1. damn son you got all the flicks i was talking about, most of that shit is up right now straight smashing the 99 props
  2. cought some leek and epik in fresno at a truck wash seen a clemr on a fraight lots of per,ikso and mk oh and FRNK all the way home next time ill have a camera
  3. seen LNO all over the 99 and some noluk they been putting in work hard
  4. http://www.myspace.com/445978596
  5. what happend to fiz???????????????
  6. you came true with some nice shots
  7. doin it big with the frisco catz
  8. damn and neu are on game they got mad style bump
  9. you right those fucking volunteers are going to have to play catch up for every one they clean two will go up toy or not its about destroying shit
  10. who ever did that roller did a good job on killing that wall what heppend to ROGUE? i need to get some fliks of NOLUCK i fucking see him every where, he even had that fat billboard on oak and silv i havent seen some on hit that shit in a min, hes up
  11. fo sho i guess ive been putting in work.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5EMf1KE3k4 check it out at 1:44
  13. I think it says SRES thats where that teve and pie was at
  14. .............................
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