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Everything posted by meetyermaker

  1. Gin needs to step the fuck up and start taking spots back, a good bomber but what's the point if you aint gonna fight back?
  2. check out these ebay auctions. haha http://cgi.ebay.com/Barry-McGee-Twist-MQ-Sticker-Nemy-Banksy-Kaws-Graffiti-/150598655566?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2310611e4e http://cgi.ebay.com/TIE-Stickers-Barry-McGee-Twist-MQ-Kaws-Banksy-Graffiti-/150598658133?pt=Art_Prints&hash=item2310612855 who wants to pay $20 for 3 peeled printed tie stickers?
  3. Wasn't that a wall with that ugly plasma tiger on it. So glad thats gone. I wonder if plasma did that? hmmm
  4. RIP AYER a true pioneer and risk taker a decade ago. That's some real shameful certified toy shit to tag in that. If that was a tie rip tribute would anyone do anything? If you were in L.A. and did that youd get served for sure.
  5. Yeah throwing a can at a random girl, cracking her forehead open bleeding everywhere at an art show for no reason? I heard about that. That was the homies girlfriend who probably hands down is the freshest sign painter in S.F. straight up. That's tight and funny?
  6. Judging from your 11 posts of hate you're not really a fan of graffiti in general or people. You hate on everyone who actually participates in the act of graffiti. It's cool, I'd say 95% of fools who hate in general arnt getting out there doing whatever their into themselves. Fools on top don't hate because, well, they got better things to worry about.
  7. I just watched these lames go over hella tags and someones throw up . Never feeling wheatpasters going over my tags.
  8. I will feed into all the hatin on this page
  9. Your gonna credit jeloe with that style? Really??? U took the GED when reading up on any sort of history of graffiti styles eh?
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