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Everything posted by getgnar

  1. btl that looks like bacon in your fill in. lol
  2. hahaha Michael jordan! fuck pigs!
  3. Wadda Wadda hook up some more ltf
  4. Haha up to date on the berrics i feel that
  5. Im gonna go get the papers, get the papers on second note bump obsoe
  6. Michael Cera paints now to
  7. bump writing over the fake des.
  8. Obsoe Rebus Brown Jerx Artoe merry mothafuckin christmas and have a fucked up new year
  9. cocaine fields in the carolinas today
  10. getgnar


    Thats actually disney
  11. anybody got a flick of the zes and augor on wilshire 07 i think
  12. sounds dope and im trying to get some of that spicey chicken chronic
  13. getgnar


    augs on that grinch tip now?
  14. bars and knowe should hook up a merry christmas joint that happy halloween one is looking fresh
  15. getgnar


    why is everyone bitching about the price of paint the company main objective to make money so thats what there gonna try and do
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