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Everything posted by dlae

  1. Thinking of it, why does it seem that Jack in the Box bathrooms get tagged more than most? Almost as much as at schools.
  2. That sink is the shit. I've never seen a sink so scribed up. Must have come from a totally destroyed bathroom. I agree with you that I wouldn't want my hands near where someone's ass sat down or where piss often comes in contact, but I also agree that scribes in toilet seats are actually very interesting. The plastic is probably easy to get deep into and no one ever replaces or removes a toilet seat so they run forever. They actually make me laugh when I think about someone bending down to scribe their shit on one. Same with urinals. My school has scribes on top of and inside of urinals. VERY ghetto and grimy. That cracks me up.
  3. I like this thread because I just like seeing shit fucked up. Better tags and bombs are nice but it's a fucking bathroom. Just enjoy the vandalism.
  4. This is how you do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DHJ0ki3k2w
  5. No. There is no reason not to catch at least one tag every time you go into a public restroom. School bathrooms should be destroyed by the end of each day. Even nice ones should be hit, except that I feel a little guilty so I write small.
  6. Who says you can't shit in a urinal?
  7. I agree about the bad handstyle comments, but I don't mind bad handstyles either. I just like to see bathrooms fucked up. A good bomb is appreciated too but pure vandalism is just fun to see and do. Clean bathrooms are boring. Tags and grimy scribes give character.
  8. I have a really sharp ice-pick thing that works on sinks and mirrors (and tile and toilet seats and urinals).
  9. Etch on a mirror seems a little excessive, yet it somehow totally appeals to the vandal inside me. Anyone ever etch the tiles?
  10. I love that picture. Any idea where/what it is? If all my school bathrooms looked like that ...
  11. Lot of scribes lately. Coincidence? Or is everyone scribing now?
  12. You're a pussy but I know how you feel.
  13. Mine too. The janitors aren't even pretending this week.
  14. Must be a server problem ... they show up for me.
  15. That;s what my school bathrooms are looking like lately again. Gangsters and writers hitting hard daily.
  16. Where are those from? Looks like near Los Angeles (777 and Wilmas). The sink scribes are the shit. Sinks toilet seats and urinals are funny to see scribed. Funny ... you never see a scribed urinal in a girls bathroom ...
  17. Where is this from? Shit's destroyed.
  18. You're right. Amazing that every inch is written on but all of it is readable. I wonder how long it took to get into shape?
  19. I want a stainless steel urinal like that in my house.
  20. Few mens bathrooms even have mirrors any more. Have to scribe other shit.
  21. I used to think tagging toilet seats was really stupid. Now I crack up when someone does it.
  22. So you use tinypic to host and just enter a url? Is that the way most people do it? (upload pictures, that is. I assume they "do it" in other ways as well ...)
  23. I filled up my account and can't upload pictures any more ... can someone else pick up the slack from places like flickr?
  24. I check out flickr and steal them from there.
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