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Posts posted by officemax

  1. there you go talking about whoopin ass when you aint ever "whooped" on anyone. Stop trying to sound smart and shit by using fancy words like conjecture. Your just a dumb mexican so shut up.

  2. yea dont sweat it paintpaint he just likes to think he burns people and then when they burn his shit he gets bitchy and disses them. he also thinks dissing legal walls is hardcore and fronting on the internet is cool but he is from the school where he jocked a NY writers style gets kicked out of crews and gets dissed most places he goes and also creates more enemies then friends. The only reason he comes onto the BALTIMORE thread although hes from NY is because he aint shit in NY and painting legal spots in NY doesnt afford him much clout. Hey he did paint in Baltimore for a couple months right? And did a couple pieces in that time and managed to ruin some walls with some of the best writers in the city on them.

  3. all I want to know is how were you able to afford such massive amounts of paint working as a waiter? and Im sure your "girl" could do more reps than being that she is really a he, being that you like to ride peoples jocks so hard. Maybe you were ablt to afford the paint by having your buff crossdressing girlfirend turn tricks. when is paint paint going to post the flick of the wall that you dissed of writers that are from baltimore and your not? when are you going to stop coming onto a thread for a city you have nothing to do with. Why dont you go post shit on the sanfrancisco thread being that your such a fag and paint such pretty little abstract pieces.

  4. Belton had a sale...didn't see you there HeavyLox, did you make it?? ( and please note my attempts to contribute more than verbal thrashings), Oh and SPC, this is what not getting addicted to Heroine lets you afford.



    WOW HOLLY SHITSTERS BATMAN he has just over 100 cans of paint!!! thats fucking amazing!!! and at the rate this bombing burning king paints that will probably last him a whole year!!!

    Shit what have you been saving your lunch money your illegal immigrant mom earned from cleaning hotel rooms? or was it the money she earned from taking it up the ass after hours? cause thats a lot of money!! I mean what is that like a few hundred dollars? Damn son you got the hook up!


    OH SHIT I see them heavy weights there!! What its that a 10 pound and a 5 pound weight? what is that what you use when you do TAEBO or your aerobics? I can see why you be talking so much about beating people down!! you must be killing it listening to Jane Fonda and working out kid. :lol:

  5. finally a thread with out all the bitching oh wait fag boy fairy tail is still crying about some bullshit but then again when your wetback mom neglects you and your a bastard child you crave attention sadly noone likes you from dc to ny and even baltimore niggas hate you your like the little dog in the kibbles and bits commercial or better yet that little chicken hawk in the cartoon always starting shit but noone gives a fuck


  6. you beat people up hahahahahaha....never seena train that says sefth on it nope never what a joke hahahaha tell everyone who you beat up come on name one person your fat hahahahaha

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