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Marion Delgado

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Posts posted by Marion Delgado

  1. :rolleyes:

    since everyone has an oppinion..........................

    fuck up on outahere with this bullshit..... i've said it twelve million times and here's 13... fuck yo lazy, non original 2decade ago lookin like every other deuche on the block type i wanna be "classic" europe letters.......... you get no respect...... lazyfucks..... you dont know me... you might not even know my name.... but you do.... know my style....because its mine....... thats the difference...... not one of you can claim those styles to be yours.... "keep fakin the funk fuckettes.................... and thats what motherfuckers meant when mentioned of a dying breed.............. ;)


    ..... you even have........... your....own style of........typing.......:lol:

  2. 2207681742_9c0ed75bfc_o.jpg





    Some Renovations...and Helicoptor Conspiracy Theories


    bringin mad "new styles" to the area? what on earth are you talking about?? i heard that cover slipped pear some vodka in his mangosteen snapple, and needless to say was shitfaced. my brother's friend knows one of them and thats what he said

  3. grand, please man. its cool u paint, whatever. but what makes u think it's cool to post every fuckn thing ur painting on this shit? if anything it makes u look worse. u prolly took like 10 minutes painting that shit in a chill spot, if that were on a roll down thatd be a different story. save me the annoyance. same with rebel, that shits cool to see on the street i guess, but shit, come on.


    and all the good people in this city should be upping the ante so the young motherfuckers know what level to work towards. what happend to competition???

  4. ^^As you type that from a computer on the internet.


    I don't know a single, real, writer that doesn't hold an

    heir of quality, fashion, and general well to do'ness.


    Regardless if they stole, bought, made, or was handed

    down their gear... they still looked good and at the same

    time exuded the essence of ownership or consumerism.


    This talk of Consumers and Whores in relation to being

    a man, or a toy... You are comparing apples and oranges.


    Don't label people too soon.


    "I don't know a single, real, writer that doesn't hold an

    heir of quality, fashion, and general well to do'ness."


    they want to look fresh and "well-to-do" either to get fucked, or because they want to show allegience to their privileged class and are half-stepping with graff trying the role of the "delinquent" for a couple of years until they get busted at which point they roll on their friends so then they can reintegrate themselves into the status quo without a record. basically, im sayin your friends sound like snitches. keeps it raw and look like a bum. what

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