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Everything posted by Jaz_IAM

  1. yeah i just heard the same news that thig oassed i hope its not true but if it is RIP homie
  2. got them baked goods and good kush holler
  3. how about someone posts some of them classic flicks since we are all so reminiscent
  5. eeee IAMKLAN AIREBLES STAY KR33PIN On generation two now!
  6. bupmty bump post. rember when you use to be part of the Idiots And Misfits
  7. here is the link for that mole and nine article http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/ct-met-gold-coast-home-graffiti-20100215,0,854345.story its fail on everyones part
  8. 2 dif tusks i think. this is young northside tusk maybe i just seen two new tusk tags today and talked to him not to long ago. but i might be confused. regardless RIP tusk saw crew
  9. fact circa '99 courtasy of MistaPitbull, youtube, and the Print Screen button
  10. yeah its was a moajor southside crew, people like daze, heks (maybe), cure and some other IAMAIRheads are UBC
  11. on the blue they are patroling the stations more than every 15 min. there changing the key touch thing they have to do to every 5 min
  12. what you talkin bout homie stations get tore up. look at damen... they buff stations hard though...like 15 min hardd
  13. lulz at the lil wayne dick rider. get off the inter net and auto tune somethin
  14. i wonder where they got the idea of a alice and wonderland theme. * cough*
  15. Hes AOMafia for sure. i dont know about (X). What kush drought i got me that OG kush and some Juicy Fruit bye me playa yo rebs get at me sometime. i think i did meet you before
  16. Chitown in NE that rare was a shocker to see
  17. i disagreee it looks exactly like his shit. same handstyles and everythang. its out in rhode island. i have more flicks
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