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Posts posted by brol_T2

  1. St. Louis sucks. I'd rather mainline drano than listen to this bickering on the internet. Go play army men or sink some battleships little kids.




    Bump OG st. louis shit.

  2. if u geniuses havent noticed there arent any more divers left...but yeah if u ask me the whole DMV crew kinda got punked by these new T2 cats...i heard they couldnt keep up and were sick of buying paint and are scared of getting in trouble cuz they got hemmed up with something else and one of them moved to chi town and the horse guy is always broke and high soo he dont 4 real paint anymore..

  3. i think we all know that the only reason why he is sweating u about the trains is those are his only spots 4 real...the rest are getting capped and dissed cuz nobody likes him...and i bet ill paint those tracks all day and you arent gonna do shit....


    not shit talking, just stating factual information.

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