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coffee n' nicotine

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Posts posted by coffee n' nicotine

  1. hey bounce can i just ask why you've started going so much simpler in your recent sketchs as opposed to you previous sketchs from a few months ago. i personally was a big fan of your work and am dissapionted to see you taking steps back.

  2. soooo...did sum hardcore sketching...made my connections fatter...and develpoed my karaks more and more..( they dont have a name anymore ! )










    Thanks !! :D


    aimo...i'm glad my advice got you thinking outta the box more (wink wink you know who this is). i'm really feeling the creativity and orignality of these. just keep doing what i told you and try and create things that were never created before. really digging the blue guy coming outta the marker. also another thing youmight want to do to improve your skills is study some anatomy. learn how muscles and bones look and work under the skin. it will help you greatly trust me.

  3. haha i had a friend that fiended for the aquabats...dude used to carry around their cd everywhere he went. my teacher yelled at him so many times it wasnt even funny cause he would take it out and read thru the booklet and show people the pictures of these dudes in the middle of class lol. i personally never really listened to them.

  4. waddup bounce...i thought you were part of bsc. well if not you should get down with the Great Depression Crew. lol i dont know edward sezer hands just asked me tonight if i wanted to be down with them. i'm not really sure who's in it. this is ateskone by the way.

  5. wow....lose those quick. start with simple letters like the one's off your keyboard. dont worry bout extensions or anything fancy. you need to get a good letter structure down before anything else. also lose the colored pencils. invest in some prismacolor markers.

  6. chill there buddy. what do you want me to say..."this was the best shit i've ever done!!! i tired so hard and i'm UBER EXCITED about them".... it was something i did in like 2 seconds just cause i was bored and felt like posting. i wasnt really worrying about how they looked. if i had put an effort into them then i wouldnt use an excuse for them looking bad. i know they were done poorly and i was simply backing up that i knew that. no need to get all up tight.

  7. IMG_0646.jpg

    "kne" throw... Still working on it. That one's kinda messed up. I'll do a "knews" throw later.


    damn bounce...that new throwie is illlll. never really seen much out of you for throwies but what i have seen has been fire. props man.

  8. fucking around...mad bored. these are all mad sloppy.


    exchange i did with my boy kover...


    ignore the star in this one


    ya and that bathroom stall might have been hit mad times...but those are shitty ass tags. if you gunna hit something that repititively...hit it with something good.

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