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Posts posted by rapk

  1. yea its sad they dont paint as much which is why graff scene sucks here. im not hating im just saying that those are people that actually hold it down and are good in all aspects of graff. u can bomb all day long and have throws all over the state but if your shit is weak then enough said.


    you just want your 15 mintutes of fame again because since over the last month and a half or however long its been since you decided to cause a scene since you've been forgotten about...and the reason behind that is..you dont count. keep painting and whatever..but your opinion doesn't count.. so quit while your only so far behind.


    but on the other hand bump bars and knowe

  2. pretty funny...i know for a FACT these same elegantly dressed little shits got jacked at the same place a day or two BEFORE that picture was taken...


    "never gonna learn" i believe was the signoff...?

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