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the sun god hustles

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Posts posted by the sun god hustles

  1. Fuck U bitch ASS foo! PM ME Bitch R10 May not have many heads but we dont back down from Niggas at all Fuckn weenie


    listen man. if you were that hard you wouldnt have to tell everyone. everyone would know.


    fact is, everyone knows otherwise. if you wanna man up and meet the people you actually do back down from, let me know ill set that up for you.

  2. yo SB you're a good story teller. Bury didnt leave a shoe behind, i fell off when he was wasted and you and your boyfriend tried to jump him. two on one and what happened? nothing, because you dont know how to fight. Did bury run away? no he stayed there and called his homie from around the corner and then you two got in your car and drove away, ...when you saw bury and his homie on the street did you get out of the car and act like you talk? no you didnt. both of you stayed in the car.


    if you wanna act tough i know a few heads who would like to talk to you face to face. but i think i know that youre not down for that right? you only want to mess with 16 year olds like stak and people who dont really care about you one way or another.

  3. ^ seriously...i dont like to hate on anyone, but what the fuck man?...

    you cant be kanye in graffiti. sampling is for hip hop.

    that is straight up copying other people's shit. get some letters and some

    skills and BE YOURSELF.

  4. i just wanna say that i think _ is a faggot. _ has no graffiti skills in the game. also i heard _ is a scrap , and also _ doesnt know shit about my mad graff life styles ferdays.i also have more money and hoes than _. to top it off _ doesnt even really get up that much, plus i hear his grandma used to rep x3 back in like 1975, so fuck that fool. also i heard _ is a in the closet homosexual, which means hes secretly gay. for real bro. fuck that fool _.




    insert whatever name you want into those blanks, this is what you all sound like. its stupid, nobody cares, 98% positive you've all stood in the same room together before and didnt say a godamn thing to one another, but come on the internet chat room talking about "ill kick your ass" funny. if your over the age of 18 and you participate in an arguement on 12oz your a faggot


    :lol: ferdays....

  5. I think you misunderstood me, I would never stick up for that fat fuck. I was sayin not the look el was going for! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    oh my bad, youre right i did...still...they're not concerned with impressions or people thinking they're hard.

    most of the fools around here that are, are the same ones crew hoppin or watching their boys get the business without doin shit...only thing they "go" for is showing and getting respect where its due as human beings.


    then again maybe you know more than i do....

  6. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Not the look they going for!


    its good you stick up for your boy...i admire that.


    its a good thing they're not "going" for a certain look. although im sure you know better than I thats why youre letting me know whats up. thank you.

  7. well let me tell you 1st of all that hopefully your in el, and and second this is a good way for me to start goin over you......dont talk back!!! tell them to say something to me in real life!!!


    you already have gone over me i just dont pay you any attention....listen im sorry i hurt your feelings and i understand your defensive position but like i said , dont take it personally its just better that we keep our business separated completely. i dont think thats too much to ask.

  8. always nappin...


    we dont have beef but dont post any el crew flicks or anyone associated with them ever again


    you are not welcome. dont take this personally. im more than positive they dont like what you stand for ( not talking about your crews ) but how you carry yourself and they dont want to be associated with that.


    i dont need a response from you either. thanks for understanding. i cant send pm's so sorry for making this public

    • Like 1
  9. what about outta-culture-er's? enthusiasts of places like china town. or little italy it think its called. japantown. its a pretty diverse place brought together through immigration. Your whole family tree doesnt start where you are and it will never end there.


    theres big things going on all around the world that affect you. who cares?



    so if you're feelin like pimp go-on brush ya'shouldas off

  10. san francisco is full of a bunch of faggot ass pussies. respect to the real fools doin it.

    "awww fuck SB he capped my favorite throw up in the city! i hope TWBitches KILL HIM!!!!"

    nothin but a bunch of soft ass marks "on the hunt" aka not doin shit too scared to fight sick.


    who are you trying to convince? i was in the middle of the street with one homie.

    he was in the car with one homie and they both didnt want to get out. i dont know whos scared or not but sb aint looking for the people looking for him and that says alot.

    If he was about his shit like a "real fool" he would see them.


    Its like kicking a kitten and running from a pitbull

  11. I know this is wrong for a fact. and I know west koast is shak for a fact. just believe it. i know for pm reasons.


    i know for a fact that this isnt the only time youve dry snitched on people on 12 oz.

    dont bother responding this time. ive called yu out in it every time and you never had shit to say...you and your buds are known for it and thats just a little bit more proof.

  12. if you knew anything about anything you would kno there was a kr long before your idol that makes the ink .and KR WKT is short for SOMETHING but yeh im not making excuses for homeboy see he doesnt take this shit to serious but he would beat your lil anonomous ass and well thats real talk .


    but unlike your homie the and the other kr, the real kr did something with his shit. now heads know whats up with that name. if he aint tryin to do shit and you know hes wack why's he in a crew that calls people toys for not being "real bombers". kinda hypocritical wouldnt you agree? he might be able to kick that dudes ass but somebody could beat his ass as well so that puts him in the same boat. gettin his ass beat and being a toy is worst that losing a fight and still having style.( if either was important ) i mean i wouldnt wanna kick someones ass because they could thow a football farther than me ya dig?

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