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Everything posted by deadalive78

  1. Re: rip kids dac rest in peace brother.
  2. RGK helped me run faster and jump higher........thanks, RGK.
  3. he was born with an index finger on his left foot.
  4. bump swedish metal. and bump those outlaws. bump 1985. pumps and the bumps. bump this thread.
  5. soft serve. hahahaha. thats nice. boy.
  6. Gay? like that time your father made you blow him after church.....save your shit talk for tossing the homies salad....you douche.
  7. ^^^^wrong dac^^^^ DAT AINT COOL.
  8. in 93 a buddy of mine gave me an issue of Can Control. it was the first issue i think deticated to SK8. It had a bunch of Krylon cans on the cover(discontinued goodies...i.e...ICY PURPLE) I probably looked at that magazine everyday for a year..it had writers like PORN POWER VOX MEAR WEB RISK ROB ONE ect......the city i live in was alot smaller back then and there wasn't much access to anything out side of it. so i held on to everything in there and studied it as much as i could.pretty much till it fell apart. CBS kind of got the ball rolling for me. i wish i still had that magazine. cool thread. BUMP.
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