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Everything posted by 12ozusername

  1. that turned up nice only got to see the unfinished version of it until now.. not my pic
  2. watched this earlier today, i thought it was pretty decent & worth checking out, fresh soundtrack throughout the movie.
  3. that ohp crew is massive for how open that spot is, went past it a few times today..
  4. check the newish movie named 'bombers for life... subway soldiers' and you will see em.
  5. that's one of the things that are available there for a decent price so i don't see why alot of people make it out to be a bad thing, i know i'd like it.
  6. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< good work to the people posting new flicks on here, keep it up..
  7. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< no panel on the train..
  8. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< guess not then. cheers for posting that arems, fucking fresh!
  9. Re: >>> - SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA - <<< Lt.Bernum, could you please post the 2 panels that were with that oxie?
  10. dope! anyone got any more of Taps panels? looks as if he smashes it from what i've seen on the net but i could be very wrong.
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