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Posts posted by BIG MARK

  1. i dont know im gettin real tired of seein all this shit all over my city and listening to little emo kids cry when i tell them the truth, and yes those bombs and throws suck hell even that shit at the free wall was horrible. so i say you stop throwing shit up from your assholes and stop crying when you do and someone calls you out on it, you guys are still toys you have not been in this game very long and you are still not good enough to talk down to ANYONE, not even wsc, tgf, cts (especially not cts cuz you got nothin on klaro although alot of them lack), or any of the other toy crews. just cuz you are in a crew with some high rollers does not mean you are as well. so stop cryin cuz i know everyone of your names and i am getting tired of your shit.


    this is obviously the little toy bitch that got his assed beat down so hard he was crying for it to end.

  2. alright yeah all i do on this account is talk shit you are correct, and excellent job pointing out the obvious. i dont know what is wrong with you two trying to stand up for rgk or something, like you dont know that most of them suck and the ones that are actually good are only in it to be in a big crew again or it is just a joke, i mean i would probably join just so i could laugh my ass off. take a step back and look at their graff from an objective standpoint and tell me if they are actually good or they just like to put up shit everywhere.



    oh and if you really wanna fight me then i will meet you as long as you can fight like a real man and not bring your entire crew to back your sorry ass up.


    sounds like your bitch ass just dont got any fucking back.

    maybe you should take some fucking boxing lessons SNITCH!!!!!!

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