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Posts posted by Bone$

  1. yeah the 5th Meta from the bottom, that fill is hot. I've never seen that name anywhere but here, is that shit in St.Louis? I know the floodwall one is but.........work on them hands regardless.

  2. yeah the 5th Meta from the bottom, that fill is hot. I've never seen that name anywhere but here, is that shit in St.Louis? I know the floodwall one is but.........

  3. new one


    Take notes Sico and stop posting sketches please. I ain't even trying to start shit but c'mon main! Sketch more but please don't post them shits! Quisp, can you please teach me about the ways of life?

  4. onion pm me...

    How the fuck you gonna dis Pujols! You don't have no fucking pride for your hometown and your letters are horrible. Keep them shits straight for now. Your throwup looks like a crappy Boke too.

  5. Just to clear Chicago's name, never seen any sort of person writing Severe, false flaggin.


    to make things more clear when someone was from Chi was doing their roller peice here in the spring he told me about how that dude had beef with saber and came from Chicago. blah blah. you're wrong...

  6. ynot capped that old Vent peice on the metrolink line too....shit is way no. It bums me out that I have to look at the flood wall on the internet now to see the Ewok battle and the whole first part of the wall pictured above. Shit is laaaame. I took someone down to see the floodwall recently forgetting that it's full of bullshit now and felt kind of stupid. Like I wasted my time. It's still funny to me that those IBS kids dissed mine and Almost's shit with this horrible roller and wrote in this horrible hand inside the "I", "stop biting freight writer's styles" because the pieces were more than a thirty second throw you should be smacking up at the corner of an intersection and not on the biggest legal wall in the country. Stick to playing Marc Ecko's Getting up on the playstation your moms bought you kids, for real.

  7. this shit is funny. Where's the flicks at. Wait, let's pause on the flicks. Looking at shitty throws is way less entertaining than reading this drama. It's funny that you kids in T2 have the nerve to be calling people toys...I saw Loves showing you how to fill in a piece at the floodwall like a 3 weeks ago. hahaha. I seriously need to get the fuck out of st.louis, has anyone noticed that every part of st.louis culture is shit, not just graff, I'm talking punk, hip hop, clubs, even the fucking post had a two day article about, "have the blues(music you mullet headed retards) left st.louis". This city has turned to shit.

  8. agreed silence is all bad and y is he always side busting ame


    No side busting. He's friends with Ame. Wanted to start writing, letting him figure shit out on his own. blah blah.

  9. hahaha. my fault. I'm a degenerate that's sickly fascinated with the "lower rungs" of society. The have-nots and has beens, the anti-heroes if you will. Alright, enough conversation, more pics. No asking people what the fuck they "write" or whatever, because I'm pretty sure everyone on here is just people that take pictures of graffitti and don't actually paint like me, right? Stupid cops.

  10. so that was you bones


    First off, why are you asking me what I write in public? You smellin like bacon, especially since apparantely you can't even read that that's a Biter whole car... I don't write as far as your concerned. That shit is illegal and I'm just a law abiding fan of graffiti. Also ups to that Dive and Obces car, those color schemes are sick...

  11. you would think forums would be good for graffiti

    these kids just argue

    settle it over the phone or meet up and go toe to toe then shut up and keep it off here

    for real this is a problem in almost every thread and it ruins the atmosphere


    in other news here are more pics from this summer I took down by the cass






    got an old ofb for grins :D


    That old dae is for grins too right? No, but seriously, I'm pretty sure that Muph dude was never in OFB

  12. nuks...by into "into it with em" did they mean with the people they went over? Because that's a load of shit. I never saw those kids or their name up before in my life. If you want to get more in depth pm me.

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