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Posts posted by segwaynwp

  1. at this level, you shouldnt have more confidence in yourself. be your own hardest critic. i know that whenever i look at my sketches, my eye goes straight to that little mistake that noone else even noticed

  2. quadra, dont even worry about fancy fills and effects yet, focus on letter structure. do page after page full of simples. look at cereal boxes for inspiration. the letters on cereal boxes are deady simple, but they look good.

  3. varex2.jpg

    the bottom one there is the best piece ive seen from you. other than that one ive seen absolutely no improvement from you over the course of more than a year.

    take that simple style and keep it, work at it until its real stylish, and then start fucking with other more involved shit.

    this advice goes to everyone in this thread: start simple until you can make super simple pieces look good and then start moving on to other styles. from every style you do, there will be a few elements that you like (with super simples, that would be the solid letter structure) and you carry those over to the next style. lather rinse repeat, you keep carrying over the elements that are good and make the piece tick onto each new style, and eventually it all forms into one solid style, different from the rest, which is when you have developed your own style

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