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santa clause

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Everything posted by santa clause

  1. tell me who you are unless you wanna catch me slipping and sucker punch me that is.
  2. dont insult me. you are an insult. i dont even care who you are. at least you know who i am. thanks for noticing me.
  3. i just wanna 20 bag. and by the way....mind my own? i thought this was the brass knuckles thread........
  4. i have a good idea of who peyote is, the clues are all here and i think thats in the bag. i got 20 on vague.
  5. this is koder, i am bk til death.... but on that different note, i second rolling nowhere on the potential thrashing peyote has coming. the homie brok said the same and war is willing to bet money on vague as well. we just wanna watch.
  6. bryers good, always has been.
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